Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Ugh, Global Warming Debate is Getting Annoying

First, I would like to say that although I am skeptical of the Global Warming hysteria (um Al Gore anyone?!), I do believe that we are heading towards a climate change event. Specifically, according to Dr. Scotese we are on the up-swing towards global warming which will lead to global cooling. Thing is, his chart has it occurring for the next 10,000 years before we peak.

Yes, global warming may cause an ice age. And if the oceans are indeed cooling, due to perhaps melting ice caps, it is possible to trigger an ice house effect. I do believe that climate change is possible within our life time. The cooling oceans could slow down and eventually stop the Gulf Stream, the conveyor belt which regulates global temperature. See here.

Without going into technical details, the gulf stream carries heat (in water) from the equator and moves it towards the north pole. To give you an idea of how think of where hurricanes originate - from the equatorial latitudes and move northwards towards North America. Given global warming, an introduction of cold water from the melting polar ice caps will slow down the gulf stream conveyor because there is less warm water to move (cold water sinks so it doesn't flow) and eventually the conveyor runs out of energy. Global cooling gets complicated but this conveyor stream also causes warm air to move northwards as well. Stopping this conveyor system means there is no way to move warm air northwards and the temperatures drop, the ice sheets thicken and eventually advance. New York eventually rests under 600 feet of glacier ice. Thus begins the ice age because of global warming.

This whole alarmist bs about human caused global warming may very well be a crock. Fortunately for us, the global warming crowd bears the burden of proof, but given the unique event of their claims (human accelerated global warming) it will be very difficult for them to prove that we are the culprits for global warming. If you took a look at the map at Dr. Scotese's website you will notice we already are on the upswing of warming global temperatures.

One can also refer to the Little Ice Age which occurred during the Middle Ages. Why isn't the global warming crowd blaming this event on humanity? After all, weren't Medieval societies agrarian raising large numbers of domestic animals which could theoretically induce global warming from their "methane emissions?" I swear, every time someone talks about how we are causing global warming I just want to fart and say "Ooops, I just melted 1 cubic yard of polar ice!"

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