Tuesday, January 20, 2009

The 44th President of the United States of America

'I've never really been into any inauguration until now. It speaks volumes that so many people are out here, witnessing this event, Obama is somebody who gives us hope for the future,' said Anthony Randolph, 28, an unemployed African-American from Brooklyn."

From: http://www.reuters.com/article/domesticNews/idUSTRE50J6VP20090120

I agree with his emotional assessment but I'm not sure that everyone can agree that Obama gives hope for the future to everyone. Many of us recognize the importance of this day, but we have to be cautious about an untested and unproven young senator who today assumed the role of the leader of the free world. Whatever our political views we can be proud of one fact, at the very least: America has its first black president.

There are no nations in the Western world which can boast as much as we can. For all the rhetoric of France and liberals elsewhere, they remain the most prejudiced of peoples as of yet. They have never elected a minority of any kind to a position of ultimate leadership. What will they have to gripe about now? It's official, Europeans today have lost the moral high ground. Today America has once again showed the world that even for its imperfections it is still the nation those yearning for freedom must follow.

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